Magician katyamagic
Телефон и email
Naydina Ekaterina Sergeevna
Cost of services
Average budget: 8000
The cost depends on the distance from my city where I live (Kamensk-Shakhtinsky)
The cost of performance in Rostov-on-don - 8000R (including the road)
G. Mines-6000r
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
KATYAMAGIC-a magician for children!
A girl magician? Have you ever seen it with your own eyes?
I work 4 years, the main direction-children's holidays.
I present my performances in an interactive style, involving the audience in the magic that happens on stage.
Everyone can feel like a participant in a magic show!
My program is based on full-fledged numbers, in which the child himself participates, this is some kind of story or a chain of stories. The focus may be at the very end of the number and quite simple, but the way it is played, with what meaning and presentation-very informative and educational for all children.
I'm not a clown, I don't amuse children with jokes with a whistle and a red nose... at my performance, no one jumps up, runs, or dances... We have a full order in the hall for 40 minutes and the main task is to behave well and be obedient in order to get what you want at the end(for example, a meeting with a rabbit or a fish)
At the same time, there are also comical numbers in the program to maintain an atmosphere of fun and celebration, but my task is to keep the attention and teach children to always respectfully wait for the end of the number, support the participant with applause, and finally believe in a miracle!
And for this, you need to be very careful!
I put my heart into every performance and try to make sure that in the end every child feels a sense of magic, miracle and good!
I work steadily, slowly, do not raise my voice and try to mark each child on the holiday, so that they have the opportunity to better remember this day with the most pleasant emotions!!!
A girl magician? Have you ever seen it with your own eyes?
I work 4 years, the main direction-children's holidays.
I present my performances in an interactive style, involving the audience in the magic that happens on stage.
Everyone can feel like a participant in a magic show!
My program is based on full-fledged numbers, in which the child himself participates, this is some kind of story or a chain of stories. The focus may be at the very end of the number and quite simple, but the way it is played, with what meaning and presentation-very informative and educational for all children.
I'm not a clown, I don't amuse children with jokes with a whistle and a red nose... at my performance, no one jumps up, runs, or dances... We have a full order in the hall for 40 minutes and the main task is to behave well and be obedient in order to get what you want at the end(for example, a meeting with a rabbit or a fish)
At the same time, there are also comical numbers in the program to maintain an atmosphere of fun and celebration, but my task is to keep the attention and teach children to always respectfully wait for the end of the number, support the participant with applause, and finally believe in a miracle!
And for this, you need to be very careful!
I put my heart into every performance and try to make sure that in the end every child feels a sense of magic, miracle and good!
I work steadily, slowly, do not raise my voice and try to mark each child on the holiday, so that they have the opportunity to better remember this day with the most pleasant emotions!!!
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Program duration of 40 minutes
Magic tricks for children from 5 years
Animals in the program: rabbit and fish
Magic tricks for children from 5 years
Animals in the program: rabbit and fish
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Preparation room, drinking water
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25.12.2019 22:12
It's an incredible feeling - preparing for the new year...
VAUN - Comatose
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- 200 разных фокусов в работе.
- свыше 70.000 довольных зрителей.
● На каких событиях выступаю:
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- Корпоратив
- Юбилей
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