KENA певица

KENA певица
Rating: 101
Телефон и email
Ilyushina Mariya Igorevna
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Cost of services
Average budget: 5000
The cost of performances is negotiated individually.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


☺Good afternoon! My name is Maria, my creative pseudonym is KENA.
I am a composer, musician and performer. My repertoire includes both original songs and covers of famous artists. I perform songs by such artists as Zivert, Artik & Asti, Time and Glass, Anet Sai, Nyusha, Bianca, Svetlana Loboda, Dima Bilan, Iowa, Christmas Tree, Klava Coca and many others. I'll learn any songs to order.
I perform at various venues, festivals, city days, restaurants, clubs in different cities. Participant of the projects "RAP FACTORY", TNT songs, BAB-HOP.
The program includes both original and covers of famous artists. I sing with a soul and a spark, as they say. Thanks to my rich life experience, I put my whole soul into each song and try to convey the whole meaning to the listeners. I don't stand still during the performance, I love working with the audience, attracting the audience to participate. There is also a chanson in the repertoire, I am happy to sing Lyubov Uspenskaya, Elena Vaenga, Irina Krug, Thieves. There are also songs by the Mirage group.
I am also engaged in writing
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В программе авторские хиты и каверы на любимых исполнителей.
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Dressing room, acoustics, remote control, wireless microphone, water without gas.
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