Illusionist Roman Shurole

Illusionist Roman Shurole
Rating: 172
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Shurole Roman
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Cost of services
Average budget: 30000
The cost depends on the date of performance, program and duration.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Winner of an award at a prestigious international competition of illusionists.
Roman is one of the most sought after illusionists.
Illusionist, recognized by the international communities FISM and UCM.
Modern, intelligent, stylish illusionist.
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An illusion show is a performance by an illusionist, the audience of which will be every guest of the event. The show is held in an interactive format, and viewers will be able to become participants.
The show is suitable for an adult audience and is optimized for any event format.

What does an illusion show consist of:

- hypnosis and incredible predictions that will come true during the show
- participation of guests in magic tricks next to the illusionist
— reading thoughts in real time
— object flight and teleportation
— live communication with viewers
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