Burlesque Show "Champagne Glass"

Burlesque Show "Champagne Glass"
Rating: 171
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Gayndr Katrin
Cost of services
Average budget: 200000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Katrin is rightfully the most successful and highly paid burlesque artist in Russia and Europe. Her standards are very high: the costumes are thought out to the smallest detail, and in her performances she is perfect - energy, artistry and grace make her one of the best in the genre.
The magic, luxury and beauty of her performance is mesmerizing! Swaying sexually to the beat of the music, seducing and teasing the audience from the stage, Katrin slowly and playfully takes off her costume, completely embroidered with precious Swarovski crystals of extraordinary beauty.
As a true Burlesque Queen Katrin pays great attention to detail. She is truly obsessed with the quality of the materials used for her costumes. Their cost, in the opinion of the Katrin, does not matter, no matter how infinitely large the figure may be.
All costumes and props are made exclusively according to Katrin's sketches, corsets are sewn by professional French tailors, and Swarovski crystals are delivered straight from Austria. She personally chooses the materials used, flies to Italy for the best fabrics and monitors all the smallest processes of creating a costume, in which she also participates.
After Katrin frees herself from the "shackles" of a 20-kilogram costume in front of the audience, she begins to gracefully dance with huge fans of ostrich feathers, innocently covering her snow-white porcelain body ... And only then she climbs on the shining staircase into a glass of champagne! This is the culmination of the act! What everyone was so eager to see, holding their breath and plunging into the secret, magical world of burlesque!
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На шоу работает команда из 4-х - 5-ти человек.
Катрин, одна или две ассистентки (зависит от размера площадки) и 2 человека технического персонала.

Продолжительность номера 10 минут.
Музыка: классическая музыка для бурлеска (джаз\блюз)
Мы так же с удовольствием работаем под живую музыку.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/burlesk-shou-devushka-v-bokale

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