Coverband KiX

Coverband KiX
Rating: 87
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KiX band
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Cost of services
Average budget: 40000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


We present you one of the most stylish and professional
cover groups of the Krasnodar Territory KiX BAND.
What makes us different from others?
1. Quality!
The group consists exclusively of professional musicians (all have a secondary special and (or) higher musical education).
2. Bright and stylish images, drive and exceptionally lively sound.
3. A wide and versatile repertoire.
4. Price.
You get a premium level of performance at a reasonable cost.
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In our arsenal of composition for all ages. We will play retro songs so that they light up the young, and modern tracks, so that adults can understand.
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We discuss technical nuances for each event individually.
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