Laser Show KMV

Laser Show KMV
Rating: 89
Телефон и email
Galushko Kseniya Igorevna
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Cost of services
Average budget: 10 000
The cost depends on the type of the selected show, the complexity of drawing the requested elements, the city in which the event is held (travel costs)
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


You can color your event in an unusual way with the bright beams of a laser show. Such a surprise can surprise even the most sophisticated guests.
Each laser show is unique and tailor-made for you and your event.
The laser show is a three-dimensional animation, literally hovering in the air.
You will take your guests into a fairy tale, with the help of which you will tell your story, under the music track of your choice.
Laser performance has no limitations or contraindications, it can be performed both outdoors and indoors. As for the plot - everything here is limited only by fantasy ...
And let your holiday shine with the magic beams of a laser show!
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We have several types of shows:
- standard animation laser show
- individual animation laser show
- animated laser show on the surface (wall, fountain, fence, roof, etc.).
- animation laser show for a wedding dress (bride's exit)
- animation laser show on the cake (cake presentation)
- beam laser show (for decorating discos and parties)
- and there is also the possibility of small multimedia projections inside the building on the walls and on the cake
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In order for the laser show to shine with its rays at your event, you need only a few conditions:
1. At the time of the show, there must be maximum darkness in the venue. With the lighting devices turned off (lamps, chandeliers, lanterns, garlands, lights), the show looks more spectacular.
2. The space from the screen installed by us to the viewer must be at least 3 meters. And from the laser to the screen another three meters. In total, there should be a free area of ​​about 6x3 without all kinds of obstacles (pillars, columns, trees, flowers, tables, etc.).
If you want a laser show on the wall of a house, fence or other surface, then you need to take into account that the further the projector is, the larger the image, but there should be no obstacles in the path of the beam, otherwise the image will be incomplete and inaccurate.
3. Finally, we need access to a power outlet and sound equipment, if this is not provided for at your event, you must inform us in advance.
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