Latin American musicians and dancers of Salsa-Timba.

Latin American musicians and dancers of Salsa-Timba.
Rating: 270
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Tatatrnikova Natalya Yurevna
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Cost of services
Average budget: От 20 000 руб
The cost of the performance is always calculated individually and depends on: 1. The number of artists. 2. The duration of the performance. 3. Remoteness of the event 4. From the date of the event. 5. The time of the event, etc. DANCERS: You can invite from one to 6 dancers to the event. prices: Approximate prices in Moscow: 1. One vocalist performs songs under minus 20,000 rubles. 2 sets of 30 minutes each. The price does not include equipment. 2. A group of 7 musicians, fully live music -130,000 rubles. 2 sets of 30 minutes each. The price does not include equipment. The price includes the work of our sound engineer. 3. A group of 12 musicians - 200,000 rubles. 2 sets of 30 minutes each. The price does not include equipment. The price includes the work of our sound engineer. 4. One dancer. One show performance lasting from 3 to 5 minutes and animation, 3 outputs for 1 song - 20,000 rubles 5. Show of 5 dancers. 2 staged group dances - 80,000 rubles.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


We are a team of musicians and dancers performing the most diverse Latin American music exactly as you have heard it, having once visited Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico or jazz and dance festivals in Europe!
Our main team consists of Cubans who were educated in Cuba! And also Russian artists who love Latin with all their hearts!
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The repertoire includes almost all Latin American hits popular in Russia!

We also have our own repertoire of music in Spanish, beloved in Latin America, the USA and Europe, but less well-known in Russia! These are very beautiful dance and lyrical songs!

A separate repertoire for fans of Latin American dances, both ballroom and social!
These are bachata, salsa, bolero, cumbia.
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Our technical rider depends on the number and composition of musicians, on the customer's wishes for sound quality, and on the capabilities of the venue. It is compiled on request for each event.
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