Acrobatic show Charlie^s Angel

Acrobatic show Charlie^s  Angel
Rating: 79
4 9 -10%
Телефон и email
Svetodiodnoe akrobaticheskoe shou "Angely Charli"
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Cost of services
Average budget: от 20000
стоимость от 20 000 до 35 000 в зависимости от количества номеров
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Our advantages:

Models appearance, tall

Professionalism, we work 13 years

Professional athlete - the Master of sport, members of the National Team, bronze medalists of the World Championships

LED constructions

Luxurious costumes


Many performances
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We have 9 performance
Duration for 1 performance 4-7 minut
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