Entertainers' videos

Little Mermaids fairy tales summer program

Режиссер проекта Русалочки сказки https://vk.com/club219820489 - Лена Садкова https://vk.com/sadkovaizgdova Женя Винд - лидер вокал https://vk.com/jonniwind Лена Тэ - виолончель Ёга - вокальный проект школы GoGolos https://t.me/vocalgogolos SubRosa - арт-рок группа https://vk.com/blunt_guy Песни: Летела стрела (вождение стрелы, Брянская обл) Десять стрел на десяти ветрах Девки злодейк...

horse on the grass

A groovy song with the plot of a Russian folk lyrical song.

Corporate event with "Astalavista"

We know that our target audience is active and cheerful people who appreciate good music and are ready to have a blast. "Astalavista" is exactly what you need! We give incredible emotions, make you sing and dance, and smile from ear to ear. It’s not for nothing that we are called “healing cover therapy”!