Кавер-певец Alex Mishustin

Кавер-певец Alex Mishustin
Rating: 81
Телефон и email
Mishustin Aleksandr Sergeevich
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Cost of services
Average budget: 1500
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Singer Alexander Mishustin pleases listeners with his music and magnificent voice !!! Gives love and good mood !!! In his show programs.

Ev Singer of the city of Kostroma (2008)
⚫️ Singer, artist of Chelyabinsk (2018)
⚫️ Laureate of the All-Russian festival "Commonwealth-2008" (2008)
⚫️ Laureate of the regional contest "My work" (2004 - 2007)
⚫️ Laureate of the extensive competition "Light the Star" (20018-19)
⚫️ Organizer of public events (2019)
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1. Microphone - Shure (vocal)
2. Microphone stand (straight) is not a crane.
3. Mineral water - 3 bottles.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/AlexMishustin

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