Harp. Harpist Olga Logacheva.

Harp. Harpist Olga Logacheva.
Rating: 205.6
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Cost of services
Average budget: 10000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Harp. Harpist for an event: wedding, field registration, Banquet, anniversary, corporate party, exhibition, presentation, New year and any other! Only live performance! Harp solos and ensembles with harp. A diverse program from the Baroque to the modern. The program is performed at your choice on a large classical harp, on an Irish (Celtic) harp or on an electric harp solo, in a harp ensemble or in ensembles with various instruments in an acoustic version, as well as with backing tracks.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/Arfisto

News and announcements

08.10.2015 09:47 Арфа. Арфистка на мероприятие: свадьба, выездная регистрация, банкет, юбилей, корпоративная вечеринка, выставка, презентация, Новый год и любое другое...
Арфа, саксофон и контрабас - Muscade
From profile: Harp. Harpist Olga Logacheva., genre: джаз
Арфа и саксофон - Gingembre (Б. Андрэ)
From profile: Harp. Harpist Olga Logacheva., genre: джаз
Арфа и скрипка - Cannelle (Б. Андрэ)
From profile: Harp. Harpist Olga Logacheva., genre: джаз
Арфа и Флейта - Aquatinta I (Б. Андрэ)
From profile: Harp. Harpist Olga Logacheva., genre: классика
Ансамбль Московской школы кельтской арфы. - Pipeline
From profile: Harp. Harpist Olga Logacheva., genre: другое
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