«BANG» girls party band
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BANG girls party band
Cost of services
Average budget: 75000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
"BANG" girls party band is a female musical group that is perfect for your holiday! Romantic saxophone sounds, vibrant DJ mixes and professional vocals are a guarantee that your event will be stylish and will be remembered for a long time!
The band’s repertoire includes music hits for guests of all ages!
- Bright stage costumes that fit perfectly into the concept of your holiday.
- Professional approach to organizing performances. The group's concert director will help resolve all organizational issues. Our office in the center of Kiev, where we are always happy to meet with our customers and organizers of the holiday!
"BANG" girls party band works in Kiev, throughout Ukraine and abroad
The band’s repertoire includes music hits for guests of all ages!
- Bright stage costumes that fit perfectly into the concept of your holiday.
- Professional approach to organizing performances. The group's concert director will help resolve all organizational issues. Our office in the center of Kiev, where we are always happy to meet with our customers and organizers of the holiday!
"BANG" girls party band works in Kiev, throughout Ukraine and abroad
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/BANG-girls-party-band
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