Rating: 95
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Mitroshin Sergey Sergeevich
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Average budget: 60000
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We are dance industry artists promoting the idea of aesthetics, sensuality, beauty and true passion in relation to
art of dance.
We strive for integrity and depth in the creation of each issue, for penetration into each image, meaningful implementation of interesting ideas. Every interaction with our viewers is a special moment that is of great importance for the process of our common development and energy exchange. We are interested in the experience of interacting with talented and creative people who relate to their business with special trepidation and love. We believe in what we're doing and we know what we're here for.
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JAZZ style
A vivid manifestation of images of the 20s and 30s of the last century.
Choreography with elements of jazz, choreography by Bob Foz and Charleston will not leave you indifferent.

Retro steel
The sensuality of the lines and the softness of the image envelops you with female attention. This is what you have wanted for a long time.

Preservation of Russian traditions combined with freedom of the Russian spirit and elements of modern choreography. The room consists of 3 parts: quail, modern round dance, humorous notes.
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it is discussed
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fergie - A little party never killed nobody
From profile: CORTEGE, genre: поп
Catherine Zeta-Jones - All That Jazz
From profile: CORTEGE, genre: другое
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