Light pixel show "Chilly Show"

Light pixel show "Chilly Show"
Rating: 87
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Artisty Chilly Show Originalnogo Zhanra
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"2022 год не подведет"
Cost of services
Average budget: 9000
Please, specify the cost of each service personally.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Light pixel show. Author's sparkling costumes and dynamically changing concept of the show will not leave you indifferent! We work with a large number of lighting equipment in one show. Also we make a small photo shoot, a light-pixel disco with guests after the performance, as well as two cold fountains as a Gift! Lighting equipment can be programmed: portrait photos, logos, inscriptions (included in the price). You can choose the performance of one artist, two or more.
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It is also possible to perform with a musician (violinist, saxophonist ) - a mini-concert accompanied by light show artists to music of your choice!
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All terms of cooperation are discussed individually.
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