Rating: 35
Телефон и email
Cost of services
Average budget: 5000p.
PRICE LIST: Bryansk ◾The composition of 3 dancers: 1 number = 5000r. 2 numbers = 9000r. 3 numbers = 13000r. ◾Girl on the pylon (if there is a pylon in the institution): 1 room = 3500r. 2 rooms = 7000r. All other additional services of the customer, by agreement. Sincerely, DIVA DANCE SHOW🌹
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


DIVA DANCE SHOW is a completely new and professional look at the dance industry!
▪️Original productions
▪️Designer suits
▪️Incendiary music
▪️Charming dancers

DIVA offers you:
▪️Participation of dancers in presentations, exhibitions, awards.
▪️Staging of any dance direction chosen by you on the theme for the format of the event.
▪️Joint production of the show ballet dance and the newlyweds.
▪️Lady buffet.
▪️Welcome (meeting guests).
▪️Any events: city, weddings, corporate parties, club industry, etc.

❗And also, a bright and memorable moment can be a room on a pylon (if there is a pylon in the institution).

DIVA DANCE SHOW will be happy to consider any of your proposals for cooperation and make your holiday even more interesting and unforgettable!

For more information or to make an order, please call: 8(906)665-10-97.

The director of the show is Elizaveta Moroz

📧 diva.dance.show@mail.ru
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/DIVA-DANCE-SHOW

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