Flying People

Flying People
Rating: 51
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Margay Sergey Gennadievich
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Flying People is a project in which we are moving away from the concept of a circus as something bright and colorful, and we want to reveal the beauty and possibilities of the human body in new numbers. That is, we focus not on props or shiny costumes, but on the productions themselves, installations made of human bodies. These are choreographic performances in the air, which in terms of entertainment will be even cooler than all our projects in scale. As an example, dozens of artists will interact with each other in the air at the same time."
Contact +79168000128
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Air ring duo! An incredible entertainment number performed by the artists of Flying People.


An air show of a completely new format! Which combines the beauty of the human body and the uniqueness of the performance. The production was inspired by the images on ancient Greek Greek vases. The goddesses of fun and joy of life gave inspiration to artists and creators.
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