Ice show

Ice show
Rating: 53
8 -5%
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Cost of services
Average budget: 20000
The cost of the show depends on the complexity of the sculpture, its size, the venue of the event, the season - it is formed on request.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Ice show is an impressive highlight for any celebration, presentation and business event.
The sculptor before your eyes creates an ice work with a chainsaw, processes it with open fire from a burner and hand tools.
You too can take part in putting the finishing touches on the work!
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Development and coordination of sketches with the customer.
Preparing the basic shape of the sculpture.
Installation of the object on the site of the event.
Spectacular show 10-20 minutes, with the possibility of participation of the hero of the occasion or guests in the work on the figure.
Site cleaning after the event.
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Show - from 20.000 r
Ice accessories - from 100 r
ice decoration - from 20.000 r
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