Contact juggler

Contact juggler
Rating: 69
Телефон и email
Klark Ilya
To get a discount 5% say promo code
"Илья Кларк LeadBook"
Cost of services
Average budget: 5000
I work in two formats: 1. The number "contact juggling" is 4 minutes + if desired, I can go out to the audience for 10 minutes for photos, videos, chat and show my genre closer. 2. 1 hour of Performance animation on TK. The format of your choice: working in the Welcome zone, drawing attention to the photo zone, drawing attention to the Logo, working at a certain point, changing into another suit or merch of the organization for an advertising campaign, moving around the hall / tables, etc. *When ordering more than an hour discount **Special conditions with constant cooperation.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Contact juggling is a fascinating spectacle that will capture the eyes of the audience for a long time and will not leave them indifferent. The smooth rolling of the transparent ball creates an optical illusion of weightlessness, breaking the laws of physics for the viewer's gaze.
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I work in two formats:

1. The number "contact juggling" is 4 minutes + if desired, I can go out to the audience for 10 minutes for photos, videos, chat and show my genre closer.

2. 1 hour of Performance animation on TK. The format of your choice: working in the Welcome zone, drawing attention to the photo zone, drawing attention to the Logo, working at a certain point, changing into another suit or merch of the organization for an advertising campaign, moving around the hall / tables, etc.

*When ordering more than an hour discount
**Special conditions with constant cooperation.
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09.05.2023 17:06 Contact juggling is a fascinating sight.


Type: учебное мероприятие
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