Kati band

Kati band
Rating: 99
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Kati band Kaver-gruppa
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Cost of services
Average budget: 75000
The budget for the custom music group service includes several key components. The cost of hiring 3 star virtuoso musicians varies depending on the complexity and length of the program. A well-known and professional singer with an impressive list of achievements is hired for the event. The fee for her performance also depends on the duration and complexity of the performance. Transportation costs include renting a vehicle for the musicians and equipment, as well as paying for gas and a driver. Sound and lighting equipment may be rented for the performance, and the rental fee depends on the size and quality of the equipment. All these factors contribute to the overall cost of the music group's service, which includes at least covering expenses and labor costs.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.



The soloist of the Katya group (Ekaterina Tysynova) is the Voice of the Kaluga region and Kaluga!
She is the singer who will light a fire in your hearts, a singer with a memorable timbre and appearance.
• FINALIST of the Russian musical TV project "NEW STAR 2022"
• Bright and talented Katya has already begun to conquer the heights in the pop music industry.
• Has released 5 original songs, one of which has a music video.
• In April 2024, the artist had his first two major solo concerts accompanied by an orchestra .
• Her charming voice and emotional performance will touch each of you to the depths of your soul

We perform in cities:
- Kaluga
- Moscow
- Tula
- Orel
- Bryansk
- Smolensk
- and other cities and regions of central Russia
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/Kati-band

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