Second Frenzy

Second Frenzy
Rating: 153
Телефон и email
Second Frenzy
Cost of services
Average budget: 100000
Clubs - 100k, if the equipment is provided and there is a sound engineer, if there are none, then plus 25k, corporate events 200k. Performance time - 60 minutes or 2 x 40 minutes with a break of 15 minutes
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Our group will be happy to perform at your club and surprise guests with an unrivaled jazz / blues performance. Our team consists of people with specialized education and good experience. Synthesizer. Guitar. Saxophone. Drums. Pipe. Bas-guitar. Soloing is the incomparable Carmen Moxie - a distinctive singer from California, a contestant of the 'Voice' show and a representative of the classical school of American jazz, whose talent will not leave anyone indifferent.

You can see the dynamics of our performance by clicking on the link:

You can find video reports from past events here:
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Negotiated separately
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Men's and women's dressing rooms
Soft drinks (not alcohol)
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