Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury show

Michael  Jackson and Freddie Mercury show
Rating: 88.1
1 8 15 -10%
Телефон и email
Vovk Aleksandr Andreevich
To get a discount 10% say promo code
"Лучший из Лучших"
Cost of services
Average budget: 40'000 р
depends on the show
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury impersonator Aleksander Vovk !
Live voice Freddie MErcury !
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performance 3 min - Its minimal show
90 Min concert - its maximum show
I Will performe the show , whot you really wont )
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depends on the show
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/Vovkmj

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