Alex Aprelsky

Alex Aprelsky
Rating: 75
Телефон и email
Aleksandr Aprelskiy
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Cost of services
Average budget: 20.000
The cost varies from the complexity of the program, the number of assistants and illusions to order.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Do you want to really surprise your guests, congratulate a dear person in an original way, or make your wedding unforgettable? - Invite the professional wizard Alexander Aprelsky to the celebration !
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Micromagic: Magic tricks at arm's length, with small props. Such as cards, coins, phones, rings, bills, watches, and credit cards. Suitable for meeting guests at weddings and banquet events.

Stage show: A bright and dynamic show, in which guests and those responsible for the celebration participate. You will have the opportunity to touch the miracle as close as possible. The program includes magic tricks with disappearance, levitation, psychological effects and predictions.

Illusion Show: This is something exciting that can complement any theater or stage show designed for 300 or more people. This is a VIP show in which guests will participate in large-scale productions.
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Make-up room for preparation.
3 bottles of water 0.5.
If the stay on the site is more than 2 hours, food is required for the artist and the assistant.
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