Animators Kazan Kaleidoscope of holidays

Animators Kazan Kaleidoscope of holidays
Rating: 83
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Cost of services
Average budget: 2000
We are inexpensive, because we understand that not everyone can afford an expensive holiday! Our price per hour is calculated taking into account: -Investments in chic costumes (we mainly sew them ourselves) -Our programs use bright gaming props -we make up games and music competitions Each image has its own character, which we emphasize by acting each image has its own musical accompaniment -in the end, we make toys for all children from balls -If the kids are a bit then we also have time to draw face painting for the children - at the end of the soap bubble mini-show
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


We are an experienced team of animators from Kazan with pleasure to arrange a holiday for you and your children! ;-)
For your child’s fun holiday we have in store:
-bright, chic suits
-individual program scripts
-chips and secrets for each hero
-bright game props
-special music
gifts from balls
mini soap bubble show
video operators
+ many varied shows
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1 hour program:
-Fun familiarity with the character
-Interesting games with a character
-Dances, jokes, jokes to special music
-Games with bright themed props
-Agrim make up to 5 children included in the program
gifts for children from balls
-chips, secrets for each hero
mini soap bubble show
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Наши шикарные дед Мороз и Снегурочка в гости к детям пришли и веселье принесли

The girls made a wish and the real Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden came to visit them, pleased the children with games and wonders and presented gifts)

Thor and the HReview of Torah and the Hulk at a children's birthday in the kindergarten

Отзыв о празднике который устроили Тор и Халк имениннику в детском садике
Тимур Зяббаров - Бэтмен дадада
From profile: Animators Kazan Kaleidoscope of holidays, genre: другое
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