Harp. Electric harp.

Harp. Electric harp.
Rating: 83
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Average budget: 10000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


The electroharp will attract the attention of guests at any event.
It is a small instrument with mesmerizing nice sound.
Background performance or show. Duet with flute, electric violin or cello. Music: classical, dance by minus, Celtic, popular.
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Classical music, dance music, Celtic, Folk, popular music.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/arfa-elektroarfa

Электроарфа и флейта - Lilium Electric - TRK
From profile: Harp. Electric harp., genre: танцевальная
Электроарфа и флейта - Lilium Electric - Ibiza
From profile: Harp. Electric harp., genre: танцевальная
Электроарфа и флейта - Lilium Electric
From profile: Harp. Electric harp., genre: танцевальная
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