Artem Reutov

Artem Reutov
Rating: 83
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Yulia Kravchenko
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Average budget: от 30000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Artyom Reutov is a modern professional violinist. His repertoire includes many compositions of famous world hits, soundtracks and compositions of his own composition. His music is a real show, the magic of the violin, with bright numbers, visual accompaniment, beautiful professional arrangements and an unforgettable atmosphere of magic, which has been loved by millions of listeners around the world. Artyom's Instagram has already 317 thousand followers, and Tik Tok 1.5 million, tens of millions of views.
You can order the musician's performance for your festive, corporate events, gala dinners, awards, shows, for anniversaries and family celebrations.

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In the program of the show you can hear your favorite famous world hits from Ludovico Einaudi to the band KINO and Queen, and many others. The repertoire includes hundreds of compositions of the most beautiful quality music. Live, modern, individual program for each event.
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