Arthur Kremnev - Singing Presenter

Arthur Kremnev - Singing Presenter
Rating: 97.3
Телефон и email
Kremnev Artur Germanovich
Cost of services
Average budget: 30 000
The amount is discussed and has variability depending on the proposed event!
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Artur Kremnev is one of the best Leaders of St. Petersburg.
Has extensive experience in conducting and organizing entertainment events of any complexity: from club parties, weddings, corporate events to significant events with the participation of high-ranking officials of the city administration, Russia.
Continuously collaborates with the top companies. Experience leading 15 years.
His creativity and non-standard approach to the events provide an unforgettable holiday atmosphere. It is absolutely easy to find a common language with any audience. The manner of conducting – culturally and fun !!! No jokes below the belt.
Any celebration with the participation of Arthur Kremnev will be guaranteed at a high level and will surely be remembered by you and your guests, be it a wedding, anniversary, corporate event.
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Arthur is a fun, bright, incendiary and dynamic host of Your holiday, he is also a singing presenter, and has in his repertoire vocal numbers for every taste from the repertoire - (Frank Sinatra, Joe Dassin, Elvis Presley, Tom Jones, Muslim Magomayev, Eugene Martynov, Valery Obodzinsky, etc.)
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Meeting with the organizers to the place of work, providing a dressing room with hangers, leading and DJ to organize hot meals.
We can provide separately sound and light equipment.
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Type: торжественное мероприятие
Фрегат "Благодать". Провели юбилей у замечательных людей!!! Спасибо Борису, Татьяне, Наталье!

My Way

A song from the repertoire of the great Frank Sinatra

Артур Кремнёв - "Вечная весна"

Артур Кремнёв - "Вечная весна" Из репертуара Валерия Ободзинского. Автор текста (слов): Шаферан И. Композитор (музыка): Тухманов Д.
Артур Кремнёв - "Очарована, околдована"
From profile: Arthur Kremnev - Singing Presenter, genre: эстрада
Артур Кремнёв - "Хорошо"
From profile: Arthur Kremnev - Singing Presenter, genre: эстрада
Артур Кремнёв - "Как молоды мы были"
From profile: Arthur Kremnev - Singing Presenter, genre: эстрада
Артур Кремнёв - "А снег идёт"
From profile: Arthur Kremnev - Singing Presenter, genre: эстрада
Артур Кремнёв - "Солнцем опьяненный"
From profile: Arthur Kremnev - Singing Presenter, genre: эстрада
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