Group "Cassette"

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The group "Cassette" is a team that clearly recreates the unforgettable musical atmosphere of the 80's, 90's and 2000's!
Participants of many different festivals and competitions! Honored guests of private parties, corporate parties, weddings and anniversaries!
Songs in the style of past years in modern arrangements, melody, memorable voice of the vocalist, make you believe that pop music of the past can sound and start in a new way!
Concert group "Cassette" consists of the author's program + world dance hits in the "live" performance!
28 may 2014. the group "Cassette" released its first Studio album "Sparks of winter", which was worked on for about 2 years!
09 January 2015. released a video for the song "I loved you."
20 Jul 2016. they released their second video for the song "I want to give".
31 October 2016. released a video for the song "Friends".
01 may 2018g. released a Remix of the country's main song "victory Day".
28 October 2018g. released a video for the song "In the colors of October."
May 10, 2019 released a video for a Remix of Robert Miles - One And One, which is called - "Halves".
Participants of many different festivals and competitions! Honored guests of private parties, corporate parties, weddings and anniversaries!
Songs in the style of past years in modern arrangements, melody, memorable voice of the vocalist, make you believe that pop music of the past can sound and start in a new way!
Concert group "Cassette" consists of the author's program + world dance hits in the "live" performance!
28 may 2014. the group "Cassette" released its first Studio album "Sparks of winter", which was worked on for about 2 years!
09 January 2015. released a video for the song "I loved you."
20 Jul 2016. they released their second video for the song "I want to give".
31 October 2016. released a video for the song "Friends".
01 may 2018g. released a Remix of the country's main song "victory Day".
28 October 2018g. released a video for the song "In the colors of October."
May 10, 2019 released a video for a Remix of Robert Miles - One And One, which is called - "Halves".
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Group "Cassette" - Sunny
Group "Cassette" - Sunny
Music and lyrics by Robert Von Hebb.
Anastasia Stroganova - vocals,
Vlad Gavrishin - keys,
Yuri Lisin - guitar,
Victoria Romanova - videographer,
Recording Studio "VlaGa Records", Moscow, 13.06.19
Group "Cassette" - Halves
Group "Cassette" - Halves
Music by Robert Miles, Russian text by Vlad Gavrishin.
Anastasia Stroganova - vocals,
Vlad Gavrishin - keys,
Yuri Lisin - guitar,
Victoria Romanova - videographer,
Recording Studio "VlaGa Records", Moscow, 11.05.19
Group "Cassette" - You my a boy
Group "Cassette" - You my a boy (the concert 01.11.18 in Moscow)
Music by Vlad Gavrishin, words of Elizabeth Petrova.
Anastasia Stroganova - vocals,
Vlad Gavrishin - keys,
Yuri Lisin - guitar,
Victoria Romanova - videographer,
Recording Studio "VlaGa Records", Moscow, 26.02.19
Кассета - Половинки
From profile: Group "Cassette",
genre: поп
Кассета - За той рекой
From profile: Group "Cassette",
genre: поп
Кассета - Море
From profile: Group "Cassette",
genre: поп
Кассета - Я хочу дарить
From profile: Group "Cassette",
genre: поп
Кассета - Мой принц
From profile: Group "Cassette",
genre: поп
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