Faberge cover group

Faberge cover group
Rating: 211.3
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Babich Dmitriy
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Cost of services
Average budget: 150000 р.
prepayment 50%
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Organization of any celebration - wedding, corporate party or anniversary - requires a huge amount of effort. I would like to be sure that your efforts will not go unnoticed, and all guests will remember this holiday for a long time. The cover band for the Faberge Band holiday is 100% success among the guests. Energy, drive and excellent music from our musicians will make even the most serious among them dance. Faberge Group - original style, positive wave, professional performance for you and your guests!
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Disco, Western European music, Foreign hits, Foreign hits of the 70s, Foreign hits of the 80s, Foreign hits of the 90s, Domestic hits of the 70s, Domestic hits of the 80s, Domestic hits of the 90s, Pop, Retro, Rock, Rock-n-roll, Modern foreign hits, Modern Russian hits.
Michael Jackson
Daft Punk
Boney M
Gloria Gaynor
Geri Halliwell
Ray Charles
Katy Parry
4 Non Blondes
Joan Osborne
Michael Telo
Afric Simone
James Brown
Paul McCartney
deep purple
shock blue
The Beatles
Andrea Bocelli
Los Lobos
George Harrison
Y. Antonov
V. Dobrynin
Funny boys
D. Tukhmanov
singing guitars
S. Belikov
V. Markin
L. Leshchenko
Blue bird
Anna German
D. Babayan
A. Ivasyuk
Y. Saulsky
R. Pauls
D. Malikov
From the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio"
From m / f "Bremen Town Musicians"
From the movie "Sorcerers"
From m / f "Well, wait a minute"
Chizh & So
Lyapis Trubetskoy
V. Meladze
Ivanushki International
V. Presnyakov
N. Brodskaya
O. Gazmanov
I. Allegrova
V. Obodzinsky
V. Shainsky
and others
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Good mood of the organizers, stage, electricity, main sound, stage monitors.
Grimm restroom, meals for 6 people, water, tea, coffee.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/cupaty

News and announcements

30.05.2017 18:42 Sports and music compatible
21.09.2015 20:31 Wedding with the group NA-NA!!!
21.09.2015 20:00 Musician with a capital letter Thomas Anders


Type: торжественное мероприятие
Совсем недавно кавер группа Фаберже выступала на корпоративе банка Уралсиб. Очень тепло прошло выступление коллектива, а больше всего запомнилось Drum...

FABERGE cover group | PROMO VIDEO | St. Petersburg

At each performance, regardless of the scale, the Faberge cover group sets itself the following tasks: • feel the mood of the audience; • to present the musical program in an original and unusual way; • bring diversity to the holiday; • to surprise guests, to help them to be liberated, to be active; • give the public their energy and drive. But we will not reveal all the secrets. Let's just...

Cover group Faberge - live

Live performance of the Faberge cover in St. PetersburgLive performance of the Faberge cover band in St. Petersburg, featuring famous vocalist Sergei Lob

Drum show Faberge band

Together with drummer Nikolai and other musicians performed a drum show
Faberge band - Аэропорты
From profile: Faberge cover group, genre: поп
Faberge band - Я люблю Буги-Вуги
From profile: Faberge cover group, genre: танцевальная
Faberge band - Мама я танцую
From profile: Faberge cover group, genre: поп
Faberge band - Малинки
From profile: Faberge cover group, genre: поп
Faberge band - Солнце Монако
From profile: Faberge cover group, genre: поп
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