The equilibrist on canes

The equilibrist on canes
Rating: 59
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Marshev Dmitriy Eduardovich
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Cost of services
Average budget: 6000р
Not every person will do what I do, namely different handstands. And at the same time, it's a lot of work to go on stage or stage, whatever you want to call it, and show it all to the audience.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


I have a Power number with performing beautiful tricks on canes to the music for your Holiday.
My action lasts 5 minutes, I show three bundles in the room and they are all different.
I have a Joker-style suit (gentleman's)
And I also perform acrobatic jumps.
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Ceilings of 4 meters for performance.
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11.10.2021 14:55 Welcome!!! There are 3 new actions in our repertoire.

The equilibrist on canes.

I perform acrobatic, gymnastic elements on canes to popular music *Its my life* In general, there is something to surprise you with !!! A chic suit (gentleman's) and a beautiful hairstyle.
Bon Jovi - Its my life
From profile: The equilibrist on canes, genre: поп
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