Галерея Образов пародийного жанра "Love"

Галерея Образов пародийного жанра "Love"
Rating: 17
Телефон и email
Cost of services
Average budget: 23000
Программа + звук
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


A bright musical-parody humorous show performance! A professional parodist presents musical parodies of Russian and foreign pop stars! There are more than 30 parodies of pop stars in the repertoire! Also, the sound is lively. Vocal performance in the style of jazz and pop.
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The program includes: more than 30 images of Russian and foreign stars.
The program can be either with live sound (paid separately) or with a soundtrack.
Photos are allowed with stars.
There are 18+ programs
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The program includes from 5 to 10 images (possibly more)
Standard program - 1.5 hours - 5 images (by agreement) - 20,000+ sound
The presence of a dressing room (adapted) room (availability is discussed additionally).
A table with snacks and water for the artist in the dressing area.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/galereya-obrazov-parodiynogo-zhanra-Love

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