Gypsy band ART SHOW "the Magic people", St. Petersbur

Gypsy band ART SHOW "the Magic people", St. Petersbur
Rating: 27
Телефон и email
Evdokiya Aleksandrovna
Cost of services
Average budget: 15000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


The repertoire of our ensemble includes Russian and Gypsy romances, dance Tabor songs, songs from famous Soviet movies.) As well as songs of Balkan, Hungarian and Yugoslav Gypsies, which glorified and updated the famous tandem of composer Goran Bregovic and Director Emir Kusturica.
Our service:
- Meeting guests and newlyweds (welcome).
- Congratulations – a gift to friends, relatives or a surprise to your loved one.
- An old Gypsy custom – offering a Cup, sing the great, start the show...
- City holiday.
- Program for tourist groups.
The team works with a composition of 3 to 5, 6, 7...
Once we have decided on the task, you can proceed to the signing of the contract, which will take into account the details: time, place, duration of performance, number of speakers, cost, etc. For your convenience, we work on cash and Bank transfer. Call now!
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