Illusionist Azat Aktaev

Illusionist Azat Aktaev
Rating: 59
Телефон и email
Aktaev Azat Irulatovich
Cost of services
Average budget: 30000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


My name is Azat and I am a professional illusionist
It is I who will make your holiday unforgettable!
I am the silver medalist of the international trick championship
I know what your guests want to see and what emotions they need!
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Types of programs

Standard show

The standard show program is fully interactive (with the involvement of guests in what is happening). It consists of copyright issues, including modern visual magic (appearance, transformation, teleportation, etc.) in conjunction with mental effects (reading thoughts, predictions, hypnosis) and, for the sake of acuity, all this is seasoned with a small fraction of special effects.

Premium show

It consists mainly of interactive rooms with elements of a classic show. It also includes mentalism (reading thoughts, predictions, hypnosis), and many beautiful and modern visual tricks, using special effects.
The main difference between this program and the standard are numbers with the appearance of birds (pigeon, parrot), a more complex structure of the program and the ability to show the show for a large number of viewers.


Micromagic is tricks with small objects: cards, coins, rings, hours, bills, etc. They are designed for a small group of guests, and are made in close proximity to the audience or right in their hands.
It is well suited for meeting guests during breaks of banquets, free-style events (receptions without the main program), as an entertainment program for each table in the restaurant, etc.

Show + micromagic

There are 2 main types of integrated programs:
- The first one is a meeting of guests with cosmic magic (40-60 minutes) + shows during a banquet
- Second, my favorite complex, a show during a banquet + micromagic (20-30 minutes) in the near break, after the show. This complex is more effectively built, from the point of view of psychology of influence on emotions, and, accordingly, passes with a bang.
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