Interactive Show Program: 3 Santa Claus and 1 Snow Maiden

Interactive Show Program: 3 Santa Claus and 1 Snow Maiden
Rating: 51
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Cost of services
Average budget: 9 990
From December 1 to December 19 - 9,990 rubles From December 20 to December 30 - 11,990 rubles December 31 and January 1 - discussed individually From January 2 - 9,990 rubles
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Where to find unusual Santa Claus and Snow Maiden?

Our team is an excellent alternative to the hackneyed contests from Santa Claus and the shy Snegurochka.

New Year's Interactive Show Number
"What does Santa Claus do when the Snow Maiden is not around?"

Number of artists: 4 people + make-up artist.

Duration: 30 minutes.
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The program includes:
- Spectacular dance of Santa Clauses
- Funny interactive on the knowledge of popular songs
- New Year's dance master class
- Disco with an incendiary MC
- A round dance around the Christmas tree (like in childhood, but in an adult way)
- Advice of Santa Claus
- Group photo
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News and announcements

24.11.2019 15:15 New year interactive show room "what does Santa Claus do when the snow Maiden is not around?"- the highlight of your new year holiday! ⠀ Our rich p...
24.11.2019 15:10 Yes, Yes! You have not troitsya in the eyes of! Three Santa Claus-best friends, and they will do everything to make this New Year you remember foreve...

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