The cover bands "Те-самые"
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David Zaytsev
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Cost of services
Average budget: от 30000р
Прежде чем сказать стоимость нужно понимать минимум 3 пункта:
*оборудование (есть или нет? Если есть то какое)
*где будет проходить мероприятие
*дата мероприятия
Но всегда проще написать или позвонить что бы это все узнать потому что есть много нюансов которые меняют стоимость и приблизительно ответить на этот вопрос нельзя.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
The cover band "Te-самые" is a team of talented musicians who will energize any event! A huge repertoire will allow you to choose a program of any genre and your favorite songs, and if you haven't found the right song, write to us and we will prepare it especially for you.
An obligatory part of the performance is to create a show that will make ALL the guests move to our beat!
Our advantages:
- Karaoke with a band! - (going on stage for everyone will definitely be remembered for a long time!)
- Repertoire (we do not limit ourselves to one style, but on the contrary, fill the repertoire from "A to Z", which allows us to perform at completely different venues with constant success)
- Style (we have a lot of images to match the style of your event)
- Cashless payment (we can work both for cash and through a checking account with legal entities)
- Technical support (We perform turnkey. We will offer you our trusted contractors who will supply all the necessary equipment)
We are also as mobile as possible and ready to create a holiday in any region!
An obligatory part of the performance is to create a show that will make ALL the guests move to our beat!
Our advantages:
- Karaoke with a band! - (going on stage for everyone will definitely be remembered for a long time!)
- Repertoire (we do not limit ourselves to one style, but on the contrary, fill the repertoire from "A to Z", which allows us to perform at completely different venues with constant success)
- Style (we have a lot of images to match the style of your event)
- Cashless payment (we can work both for cash and through a checking account with legal entities)
- Technical support (We perform turnkey. We will offer you our trusted contractors who will supply all the necessary equipment)
We are also as mobile as possible and ready to create a holiday in any region!
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Наша программа – это каверы на известные и полюбившиеся хиты отечественных и зарубежных исполнителей, зарубежные хиты в авторском русскоязычном прочтении, а также авторские песни.
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