
Rating: 27
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Korpor is a wide community of like-minded enthusiasts, specializing in planning and hosting corporate events of any size. We have experience in organizing corporate leisure activities (including team building), developing employee reward systems, managing conferences, exhibitions, business breakfasts, press tours, and also preparing for the launch of new organizations or branches.

When turning to us for services in organizing corporate events or team building, you will receive a comprehensive solution at a quite affordable price:
• A unique scenario, elaborated considering the specifics of your company and the team of employees;
• The opportunity to choose from a variety of available venues throughout Russia;
• The services of a professional host and instructor;
• Modern musical equipment for musical accompaniment of the event;
• Catering.
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Our specialists, who have considerable experience in event organization, will conduct a professional turnkey event for you quickly and efficiently!

The services our company provides include:
Organization of conferences, forums, business events, corporate meetings, in-office team building, thematic team building, quests, extreme team building, sports team building, creative team building, preparation of gifts for employees and partners, organization of outbound team building, hotel events and special events.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/korpor

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