Larisa Belka

Larisa Belka
Rating: 55
Телефон и email
Belka Larisa Andreevna
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Cost of services
Average budget: 30 000
Presenter services
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Organization and holding of festive and business events in Blagoveshchensk and the Amur region.
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Hello! I'm Larisa Belka, the host of entertainment and conceptual events.
My experience leading more than 1600 entertainment and conceptual events.
Why you should choose me:
- Modern, adequate competitions.
- I arrive two hours earlier and meet your guests.
- I’m composing a song about the facts of your guests from the compiled questionnaire.
- My program is personalized and interesting to everyone.
- In any situation I joke and improvise.
- I’m writing a script for on-site registration only about you.
Wedding, birthday, corporate event, gender party, bachelorette party, bachelor party, romantic date, theme party - I will host and organize it.
I'm waiting for your call! Call!
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Nothing is required
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Фарфоровая свадьба

Я провела 958 свадебных мероприятий. О свадьбах знаю всё. Я прекрасно понимаю, как трудно в наше время выбрать ведущего на свадьбу. Потому экономлю Ваше время. Если Вы позитивный, энергичный романтик - то мы с Вами на одной волне. Именно Вас я и ждала. Звоните!
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