Нарие меликишвили

Нарие меликишвили
Rating: 157
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Cost of services
Average budget: 8000
The show program is fully 35 thousand rubles in Voronezh, the price with departure is negotiated individually. The prices of individual rooms from 8 thousand rubles, depending on the productions, the number of artists.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


The ensemble "NUR" is the incendiary dances of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, striking with talented dance performances and a variety of incredible ethnic costumes, to the original and piercing music of the mountaineers and, of course, the TOP LEZGINKA!
The Nur Dance Ensemble is truly a triumph of the Caucasian fairy tale.
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Program of 4 rooms:
1. Incendiary lezginka performed by 3 guys.
2. Dance mix (Russian-Caucasian dance).
3. Intense dance of two couples (2 guys, 2 girls) or mountain dance
4. To choose from: the meeting of the bride and groom, the removal of barbecue, the removal of pilaf, dance with drums.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/lezginka-na-meropriyatie-zazhigatelnye-kavkazskie-tancy

Ислам Итляшев - лезгинка
From profile: Нарие меликишвили, genre: поп
ансамбль - лезгинка
From profile: Нарие меликишвили, genre: поп
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