Light show in Chelyabinsk, artists for the holiday

Light show in Chelyabinsk, artists for the holiday
Rating: 47
Телефон и email
Pospelova Svetlana Semenovna
Cost of services
Average budget: 6000
Световое шоу (дуэт) - 6 000р; Световое шоу с живой скрипкой - 8 000р (2 артиста и скрипач);
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Bright light show with LED props. Special program for rooms. Suitable for weddings, birthdays and corporate events, as well as for themed events in the style of space, the fifth element and the future.
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Light show in Chelyabinsk, artists for the holiday

Bright light show with LED props. Special program for rooms. Suitable for weddings, birthdays and corporate events, as well as for themed events in the style of space, the fifth element and the future.
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