Master classes for adults and children

Master classes for adults and children
Rating: 49
6 -10%
Телефон и email
Tarasova Irina Sergeevna
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Cost of services
Average budget: от 6000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


On-site painting workshops
Creative master classes that will help diversify the holiday; each participant will create their own product and take it with them.
A variety of master classes allows you to choose the one that suits you

We go to any place: to your home, playroom, school classroom, restaurant, etc.
All materials are included in the price.
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Приветствую всех! Я очень люблю играть и веселиться с детьми,подарю им радость,смех,улыбки и отличное настроение!!!! read more..