Moscow State Variety Theater of Yuri Cherenkov

Moscow State Variety Theater of Yuri Cherenkov
Rating: 81
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Cherenkova Ekaterina
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Cost of services
Average budget: 50.000
Гонорар зависит от количества номеров и артистов на площадке. Чем больше артистов , тем больше гонорар.
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The Moscow State Variety Theater is an enchanting show from a luxurious parade alley in ostrich feathers to a stunning cancan, in which highly professional ballet dancers, masters of rhythmic gymnastics, topless ballet, the best artists of the original genre participate.
The Moscow State Variety Theater has been in existence since 1981 and is considered by right the best in its genre. The band tours all over Russia, traveled all over Europe, America and China. The legendary Variety Theater is a luxurious costume show for your event. Famous choreographers of Russia and Europe are engaged in the production of the numbers. The artistic director of the theater is director Ekaterina Cherenkova.

The choreography of the program is sustained in the best traditions of American and French revues. The variety of genres combined with the exquisite beauty and expression of the performers creates a feeling of an unforgettable holiday. Above each costume is the work of famous designers, hand-embroidered hats
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Московский государственный театр «Варьете» – это феерическое шоу от роскошного парад-алле в страусовых перьях до ошеломляющего канкана, в котором участвуют высокопрофессиональные артисты балета, мастера художественной гимнастики, балет-топлесс, лучшие артисты оригинального жанра. Многообразие танцевальных номеров в русском стиле, европейском, китайском, джаз, бурлеск, выход бурого медведя с балалайкой, китайского дракона.
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