Musician live vocals at a corporate wedding birthday

Musician live vocals at a corporate wedding birthday
Rating: 87
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Sergey Bryukhanov
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Cost of services
Average budget: 3500
1 час - 3500р 3 сета по 30 минут от 5500р - 12000р весь вечер от 5500р - 16000р
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Hi Everyone, I'm Sergey - singer, vocalist and presenter.

Do you dream to surprise your guests and amuse yourself? I'm at your service!
With my performance, I replace a whole vocal and instrumental ensemble or, as it is fashionable to call it now, a cover group!

Musical accompaniment of any event: anniversary or birthday, wedding or wedding, housewarming, corporate party, banquet, new year, disco, city day, youth day, energy day, presentation, conference.

Musical compositions professionally performed by me will make your event an event, which afterwards will become a pleasant memory for you and your guests, directly connected with your holiday!

The repertoire includes a wide range of musical compositions performed by me:
dance hits of the Soviet and modern Russian stage
songs from movies, chanson
DJ services
disco - 80s and - 90s
wedding songs, Mendelssohn's march, touches, fanfare, waltzes and other tunes
background music

Live music for a banquet, wedding, anniversary is selected in advance, together with the customer, in accordance with the "theme" of the event, the repertoire is negotiated individually, so that guests of any age will be satisfied. The success of the holiday depends on the singer and musician - his professionalism and "incendiary ability"! I promise to create for you an unforgettable mood and an amazing atmosphere at your holiday, and all those present will remember this evening with admiration for a long time. An unusually soulful performance of musical compositions will not leave indifferent your guests. Such unusual music at your holiday enchants, excites feelings, wins hearts, bewitches and gives you a storm of positive emotions.
You can, of course, try to get by with high-quality equipment that reproduces music well in recording. Do not turn your festive event into an ordinary dinner at the festively laid tables!

The presence of the singer at your banquet gives you the opportunity to masterly "emphasize" each stage of the celebration, set off its official and unofficial parts, make the event more vivid and effective.

Order the services of a singer, for a banquet, holiday, anniversary, corporate party, banquet, housewarming or wedding. In my repertoire there are hits to which all your guests will dance with enthusiasm, regardless of age and musical preferences.

High-quality live vocals on our own equipment and a cheerful mood are guaranteed.
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Sun of Monaco - Lucy Chebotina
Comet - Jony
Birdie - HammAli & Navai
Raspberry fret - GAYAZOV$ BROTHER$
BESTSELLER - Max Barskikh, Ziver
Venus - Jupiter - Vanya Dmitrienko
Bitter taste - Sultan Laguchev
On the clock zero - zero - Dabro
Youth - Dabro
Raspberry - Khabib
About white roses - Dima Bilan
Lightning - Dima Bilan
Hold - Dima Bilan
Tudym - Syudym - Pirozhkov (Revva)
Alcoholic - Artur Pirozhkov (Revva)
Hooked - Artur Pirozhkov (Revva)
Dance me - Artur Pirozhkov (Revva)
Federico Fellini - Galibri & Mavik
Sad dance - ARTIK pres.ASTI, Artem Kacher
Beverly Hills
YATL - Zivert
Barefoot - 2MASH
Forget-me-not - Tim Belorussky
Lei don't be sorry - Max Barskikh
Unearthly - Barsky
Girlfriend-night - Barskikh
Catch - Lazarev
Mood color blue - Philip Kirkorov
Gold - Super Zhorik
Sansara - Basta
Solo - Mot
Jealous - Freestyle Kids
Arsen Shakhunts - Girl, Stop
Modjo - Lady
What have we done - Mikhail Bublik
A glass of vodka on the table - Grigory Leps
Districts - quarters - Animals
Animals - Everything about
Forever young - Semantic hallucinations
Vladivostok 2000 - Mumiy Troll
Mumiy Troll - Bear
Terminator - Leningrad
Fish of my dreams - Leningrad
WWW - Leningrad
Seen the night - Zdob Si Zdub
Tanker - Beetles
Carefree Angel - Aria (Kipelov)
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