Мистификатор - Николас Кин
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Nikolas Kin
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Average budget: 45000
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* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Nicholas Kin is the most incredible man you’ve probably never heard of. He can read your mind. No really; he can read your mind. He doesn’t use mind games or psychological tricks, well sometimes; there are no smoke and mirrors. Combining intuition and hypnosis he can simply read your mind. His awe inspiring hypnotic and intuitive abilities have gained him high profile fans such as Lior Suchard, Keith Barry and Uri Geller who all agree Nicholas is simply amazing. You will be amazed at Nicholas‘s incredible powers; he knows your past, present and future, sometimes better than you do.
From your favourite schoolteacher, childhood pet even the colour of your underwear, Nicholas impossibly knows all, sees all and tells (almost) all in expert displays of hypnosis and telepathy developed to amazing razor sharp accuracy.
From your favourite schoolteacher, childhood pet even the colour of your underwear, Nicholas impossibly knows all, sees all and tells (almost) all in expert displays of hypnosis and telepathy developed to amazing razor sharp accuracy.
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Imagine you meet a stranger who takes you by the hand, looks in your eyes and knows your past, your present and your future. A man who knows what you are really thinking and feeling. “An Intimate Evening with Mind Reader – Nicholas Kin” is most mind-blowing performance for you. Your Mind will be read, your future will be predicted and your own intuitive power will be put to the test in a series of flabbergasting interactive demonstrations of mind-reading and prediction that will astonish and amaze.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/nicholaskin
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02.09.2018 11:42
Это надо увидет чтобы поверить!!!
24.08.2018 07:58
110% Емоций, незабываемые впечетления
23.08.2018 16:33
Вы готовы испытать цто то новое и удивительное?
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Стильно, интеллигентно, со вкусом.
Свяжитесь со мной и мы обсудим с вами все детали и нюансы вашего торжества.
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