Fire show
Телефон и email
Marina Igorevna
Cost of services
Average budget: 10000
The budget consists of payment for the show, + purchase of consumables
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Hello. My name is Marina
I am a qualified international artist of the fiery genre
I have at my disposal six types of props, including lighing props, and many different images for performances
I am a qualified international artist of the fiery genre
I have at my disposal six types of props, including lighing props, and many different images for performances
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I offer three types of shows.
1. Congratulations.
Exit with the main person(s) of the holiday.
+ One number (3-5 minutes)
2. Fire show
4 performances for 3-5 minutes with a change of costumes and props.
3. Light + fire show
6 performances for 3-5 minutes.
3 with light and 3 with fire props, and a change of costumes.
The most spectacular show!
1. Congratulations.
Exit with the main person(s) of the holiday.
+ One number (3-5 minutes)
2. Fire show
4 performances for 3-5 minutes with a change of costumes and props.
3. Light + fire show
6 performances for 3-5 minutes.
3 with light and 3 with fire props, and a change of costumes.
The most spectacular show!
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Changing room, bottled water
If the show is planned in another city, the payment for round trip taxi/tickets is on the customer
If the show is planned in another city, the payment for round trip taxi/tickets is on the customer
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Для вас:
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⭐ Стильное световое шоу;
⭐ Огненные надписи и дорожки из пиротехнических фонтанов, прочие пиротехнические фигуры;
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Свадьбы, корпоративы, дни рождения, презентации и вечеринки в Ростове-на-Дону и области.
Наши особенности:
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