Oksana Smirnova

Телефон и email
Smirnova Oksana Alekseevna
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Cost of services
Average budget: От 25000
The amount of the fee varies depending on the format of the celebration, the distance from the artist's place of residence, the time of engagement, the choice
of repertoire, and collaboration with
colleagues in the music industry.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
My fulfillment is a hope for the best, and I am passing on all the kindest and best things to you.
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The performance of the Russian repertoire is 60,70,80,90,2000...years
Including foreign music.
Including foreign music.
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A dressing room is required.
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/oksana-smirnova
Оксана Смирнова - Выше
From profile: Oksana Smirnova,
genre: поп
Оксана Смирнова - Черемуха
From profile: Oksana Smirnova,
genre: поп
Оксана Смирнова - Сувенир
From profile: Oksana Smirnova,
genre: поп
Оксана Смирнова - Синий лен
From profile: Oksana Smirnova,
genre: эстрада
Оксана Смирнова - Как тебя зовут
From profile: Oksana Smirnova,
genre: эстрада
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