Ivanchenko Александровна Valeria

Ivanchenko Александровна Valeria
Rating: 53
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* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


We bring to your attention - Extreme show "Valkyrie" for any event!

Duration 10 to 15 minutes

It is possible to choose the program for your holiday, remove or add something!

Attention! Everything is done by professionals!
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The show includes:

Cossack flanking
Extreme practices using broken glass, knives, bricks
Cossack rituals for newlyweds
Interactive with guests
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It is necessary to have sound equipment and a venue for the event (possibly indoors, if there is enough free space)
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/opasnoe-shou-valkiriya

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