Ritmy Ognya Shou
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Cost of services
Average budget: 12000
The calculation of the cost is individual and depends on the employment at the event, the number of artists, transfer. We will agree on mutually beneficial and pleasant conditions!
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Real fire on stage! Latina, flamenco, popular stage - a fiery combination of guitar, castanets, dance and vocals.
• A team of qualified professional dancers, vocalists, musicians, laureates of international and all-Russian competitions, active participants in the cultural activities of the capital and the country
• Interactive with guests, master classes, vocal training and dancing
• We are real! Bright costumes, unique choreography, live music
Prices are lower than competitors
We will come to your city! Call us
Our manager Anastasia will gladly answer all your questions - call us! 89652135282
• A team of qualified professional dancers, vocalists, musicians, laureates of international and all-Russian competitions, active participants in the cultural activities of the capital and the country
• Interactive with guests, master classes, vocal training and dancing
• We are real! Bright costumes, unique choreography, live music
Prices are lower than competitors
We will come to your city! Call us
Our manager Anastasia will gladly answer all your questions - call us! 89652135282
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A large selection of ready-made programs, as well as individual ones, for any of your requests
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Link to this page: https://moscow.leadbook.ru/en/users/ritmy-ognya-shou
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