Shaman throat singing

Shaman throat singing
Rating: 69
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Cost of services
Average budget: 5000
The budget is added up only for an hour of performance. The price can be increased or decreased, depending on the place, time and nature of the performance
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


My name is Igor Yansson. I am an expert in throat and Tibetan guttural singing styles
The sound vibrations heard once will never be forgotten by you.
They have a calming and energetic effect.
The meditative nature of singing will allow you to get a feeling of happiness and get rid of anxious thoughts
The air literally vibrates when performing.

Styles can be chosen to choose from: Tuvan Kargyraa with low, growling frequencies, Tibetan Dzoke with cosmic, iridescent sounds as if from other worlds. And the Tibetan Gyuke, a very deep low style, will fascinate you with its low undertones, which can sometimes shake the air around

You can hear the Tuvan style only after meeting a Shaman from Siberia or me)

You can hear Tibetan in Tibetan temples in Tibet or again at my place)

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Cosmic mantra

Cosmic Tibetan mantra performed in the Tuvan style of throat singing Kargyraa
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