Show duo "Balalaika-MiX"

Show duo "Balalaika-MiX"
Rating: 22
Телефон и email
Kornilov Ivan
Cost of services
Average budget: 70000
The price includes transfer, accommodation.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


✔ Professional virtuoso musicians. They play an instrument with a unique, distinctive timbre, the sound of which cannot be confused with anything! Not only folk music, but also covers of modern hits. Moreover, they do it sitting, standing, on the move and even dancing.

🎼The duo "BALALAIKA-MIX" has been in existence since 2013. During this time, he managed to become the winner of the Moscow-Transit-Gelendzhik Pop Art Festival in 2014 and 2015. Participate in the TV shows "Play the Accordion", "Field of Miracles", "Let's get married".

✔ Every month the number of performances increases, and the geography becomes wider and wider!
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We play not only folk music, but also covers of modern hits.
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Technical rider of the music project "Balalaika MiX"
1. The spaced stereo base of the speakers is at least 5 meters.
2. The presence of at least 2 monitors on stage.
3.MP3,waw,cd player.
4.Voice processing and two instruments (balalaika)-hall,reverb,etk, 2 XLR inputs.
5.Radio microphones 3 pcs.
6.Microphone stands 2 pcs.
1. Mandatory presence of a sound engineer and lighting designer at the performance venue.
2. The sound power must be at least 1.0 K/Wat
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