Synchronized swimming show

Synchronized swimming show
Rating: 43
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Cost of services
Average budget: 30000
The cost depends on the number of participants, the number of programs
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Synchronized swimming show Aqua Sisters Show.
  The show was prepared by the masters of sports of Russia in synchronized swimming. Performances at various events: corporate parties, birthdays, weddings, etc.
  There are several scenarios of the show, adapted to the theme of the event. The program includes shows, performances with numbers (heels, Russian, folk dance), group and solo performances.
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1) Group performance of 4-8 people
2) Duet / Solo
3) with attributes:
- unexpected drop in water with the dresses;
- heels;
- hoops;
- Russian folk dance in the water;
The program of the show depends on the theme of the event, it is possible to prepare program specifically for your event.
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It is discussed separately with the customer.
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