Dance show-project PROdvision
Телефон и email
Cost of services
Average budget: от 7000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
The Pro Movement dance show project is a show of different styles and directions created especially for you!
What we offer:
💫Dance show
💫Staging stylized numbers on any topic for the format of the event
💫Joint production of numbers with the participation of the customer
💫Meeting guests in costumes
💫Dance accompaniment of vocalists and cover bands
💫Flash mobs
💫Master classes
We will make your holiday unforgettable ❤
Booking performances by phone:
tel: 8-919-564-84-90 Ekaterina
tel: 8-912-380-12-38 Julia
What we offer:
💫Dance show
💫Staging stylized numbers on any topic for the format of the event
💫Joint production of numbers with the participation of the customer
💫Meeting guests in costumes
💫Dance accompaniment of vocalists and cover bands
💫Flash mobs
💫Master classes
We will make your holiday unforgettable ❤
Booking performances by phone:
tel: 8-919-564-84-90 Ekaterina
tel: 8-912-380-12-38 Julia
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